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Branding Policy

Introduction to the East London Cultures School CIC Brand


A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. A trademark does not have to be registered to exist and to be the exclusive property of an entity. Registration simply means that the Trademark Office has acknowledged the trademark and determined that it does not conflict with any other existing trademarks.


At East London Cultures School CIC we want to encourage people to talk about our brand, to use our brand, and to partner with us, however, it is important that we ensure our trademark is protected. Our trademark gives us the exclusive right to use the term in the naming of projects and services. Although those rights are ours, we are happy to give people permission to use the term under certain circumstances.


The following is a general policy that tells you when you can use the East London Cultures School CIC name without need of any specific permission from us:


  • You may use the East London Cultures School CIC name (but not the East London Cultures School CIC logo) in descriptions of your projects and services, to provide accurate information to the public about the relationship between yourself and us. You must make clear that you are not East London Cultures School CIC and that you do not represent East London Cultures School CIC. A simple disclaimer is an excellent way of doing that.


As a general rule, third parties may not use the East London Cultures School CIC Logo (“Logo”) and you may not incorporate the East London Cultures School CIC name or logo into the name or logo of your projects and services.


On this page are the limited circumstances under which third parties may use the East London Cultures School CIC Logo. The Logo must always be used in line with the specifications on this page to identify East London Cultures School CIC, or East London Cultures School CIC projects and services. Any use that falls outside of these specifications is strictly prohibited.


Third parties may only use the Logo without a license under the following limited circumstances:


1.1 At the bottom of advertising, marketing collateral, or a website that references your connection with East London Cultures School CIC (for example, the material states that you are a partner of East London Cultures School CIC projects and services).


1.2 In an area of a website, advertising, or marketing collateral exclusively dedicated to the promotion of East London Cultures School CIC projects and services, and in such a manner that associates official East London Cultures School CIC projects and services with the East London Cultures School CIC Corporate logo.


The following guidelines must be followed for all use of the Logo:


2.1 The Logo may not be used in any manner that might imply that any non-East London Cultures School CIC projects and services are affiliated with East London Cultures School CIC.


2.2 The Logo may not be displayed as a primary or prominent feature on any non-East London Cultures School CIC projects and services. Companies using the Logo pursuant to these guidelines must also display in the primary and more prominent position, their own logo(s), business name, product names, or other branding.


2.3 The Logo may not be imitated or used as a design feature in any manner.


2.4 The Logo may not be used in a manner that would disparage East London Cultures School CIC projects and services.


2.5 The Logo must be used as provided by East London Cultures School CIC with no changes, including but not limited to changes in the color, proportion, or design, or removal of any words, artwork, or trademark symbols.


2.6 The Logo may not be animated, morphed, or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.

Use only approved East London Cultures School CIC logo artwork:


3.1 The Logo may only appear as shown below. The Logo may never be screened back or broken into multiple colors. The Logo must be built out of the four-color process











East London Cultures School CIC

Logo Example



3.2 To properly stage the Logo, a minimum clearance between the Logo and other elements must be maintained. The Logo must always be at least 50 pixels in width and the Logo must only appear in a horizontal position.


3.3 The Logo must stand alone and may not be combined with any other object, including but not limited to other logos, words, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, design features, or symbols.


3.4 The Logo must never be used to represent the word “East London Cultures School CIC” in text, including in a headline, product-name logotype, or body copy.


3.5 The Logo must not be incorporated or used in any manner as part of, or in close proximity to another company’s name, domain name, product or service name, logo, trade dress, design, slogan, or other trademarks.


3.6 The Logo must never appear with any other symbol or icon; contained within a box, circle, or other shape; or combined with any other name, logo, or icon to create a co-branded logo.











East London Cultures School CIC

Project Logo Example



3.7 The attribution clause “ELCS [NAME] is a project name of East London Cultures School CIC” must accompany use of the Logo.


3.8 Neither the Logo nor the East London Cultures School CIC name may be used in any other company name, product name, service name, domain name, website title, publication title, or the like.


3.9 Non-East London Cultures School CIC projects and services should not mimic any East London Cultures School CIC projects and services. Under no circumstances may third parties use, imitate, or play off of the East London Cultures School CIC projects and services taglines, for example:


  • … Making an impact by enriching our students' education experiences.


This tagline is reserved for exclusive use by Manna Community CIC.


East London Cultures School CIC reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify permission to display the Logo, and may request that third parties modify or delete any use of the Logo that, in East London Cultures School CIC  sole judgment, does not comply with these guidelines, or might otherwise impair East London Cultures School CIC rights in the Logo. East London Cultures School CIC further reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks or other violations of applicable law.


By engaging in any Project, Service or Activity with East London Cultures School CIC you indicate your acceptance of this policy.

East London Cultures School CIC will review this policy every 5 years.


If you would like to work with us, please complete our Partner Enquiry form.

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